Found you thanks to a restock by Sharon Blackie. Absolutely loved this piece, you are a woman I can relate to. I did the Zoe app over a year ago - I thought it’s phenomenal cost would make me try harder 😂 I was interested in the science and the test results and then slightly disappointed that the gist of the ‘diet’ is to eat lots of veg - didn’t need to spend £500 to know that 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ sorry to hear about the flooding, I can’t think of anything worse, not even fire.

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Jan 3Liked by Christina Patterson

I absolutely loved reading your piece. It made me chuckle, especially the part about stressing over what to buy for my partner's birthday. I still feel raw from it. So thank you, thank you! Here's to more good stuff in life and wiggling over to the fridge.

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Jan 2Liked by Christina Patterson

As a cancer survivor every day is a gift. I celebrate birthdays like never before. And yes. WE ARE STILL HERE HALLELUJAH 🎊

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Jan 1Liked by Christina Patterson

A wonderfully good read to kick off the new year. It’s an impressive feat to be funny in the face of adversity. I’d still be weeping and teeth-gnashing about the leather chairs, cushion and floor... Xxn

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Jan 3Liked by Christina Patterson

Marvelous! Having just returned from 2 weeks in Italy, including New Years Eve in Rome (wow, they really do light off *actual* fireworks EVERYwhere!), I smiled through all of this. Perfect resolutions and I shall be doing them all. 😊

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Jan 3Liked by Christina Patterson

Thank you for these gentle and lyrical words. A delight to read 💗

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Jan 2Liked by Christina Patterson

What a beautiful read kicking off the new year! Happy New Year to you, Christina!

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Jan 2·edited Jan 2Liked by Christina Patterson

We will never tranquilio on the crisps! Love Umbria!! XX This was a joy to read and I'm going to use the word palaver in my next post, I'd been seeking it all this time and just didn't know it. Grazie mille!!!!!!!

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Jan 1Liked by Christina Patterson

Hi Christina

I think you are a fascinating person and I am always intrigued by your thought processes. Your latest thoughts and emotions emanating from your new life in Italy as well as the start to a new year are thought provoking to many people who practice mindfulness and search for meaning. On that point you may want to ponder the following question: What serves the purpose of life? It may help you to take a different perspective on your situation.

With best wishes,


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